When I started in cub scouting, I had no idea how to organize or plan or what was expected. Then I found out there's many other leaders who know more than I do. One, ROUNDTABLE! This is where I learned almost everything! It was a great resource. It's usually once a month at a location within your district. Second, Training! When I started in cub scouting training was "live". Now most or all of training is online! Can you believe it? from the comforts of your own home you can train. And Third, google!!
First of all, Fast Start Youth Protection is so important. This is #1....you can't even recharter without all your leaders having this training. I also have my cub scout parents do this as well. You don't have to be registered as a leader to take this training. It's perfect!
Next, take your Leader Specific Cub Scout training (ie cubmaster, den leader or webelos leader also pack committee positions).
The website for all this is at www.myscouting.org. To use this website you will need to register with a username and password. Also, if you are registering as a leader you will also need your member id with your district. If you do not have this number you can still do training. Just remember to PRINT OUT your training certificate at the end of training and make a copy for your committee chair. Your committee chair will need this for recharter. I will also try to put together a post about rechartering at a later date.
Once you have this training done you will need a cub scout leader resource book. If your district still provides "live" training I STRONGLY encourage you to attend. The committee chair should know how to schedule you for this or who to contact. If they don't you will most likely find this information on your district website. Search for your district name through google once you find out your district name. "Live training" is very helpful because it gives you the forum to ask questions. But make sure you register as this training usually costs money.
Now that you've trained you can get started on organizing your ideas and providing helpful information to your cubs, parents and leaders.
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