Etsy Boy Scout bottle Cap



The Blue & Gold Banquet is the BIG PACK MEETING of the year.  It is typically in the month of February.  This is the birthday month of Scouting and can be celebrated in any way you choose.

The planning guide for this month is found here:

Also, this a supplemental planning:

BOTH OF THESE themes relate to the Core Value of Resourcefulness.

For 2013, our pack committee has chosen to go with a Pioneer Theme.  If you think about the pioneers they were completely resourceful.  Our cub scouts will be grinding wheat and learning how to make their own bread.  They will also learn about spinning wool into yarn.  We are going to include a 3-legged race and another pioneer type game.  We were thinking about the stick pull but I wasn't sure how sticks would go over well.  There will be some sort of table game as well to include everyone.

Also, Blue & Gold is the month of awards and advancement.  Every month we have a pack meeting and celebrate awards and rank advancements, but most NON-LDS packs have this as their big month when Webelos cross overs happen AND when most rank advancements take place.  We don't normally run our monthly pack meetings this way.  We do not "save up" for the Blue & Gold.  Once our cub scouts have achieved they are awarded at the pack meeting.

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